The Story


Love brewed and then did THE STAND. Owners, Curtis and Meegan Buschor met in 2007 while Meegan was working as a barista at a coffee stand in their hometown of Olympia, Washington. Curtis would buy his iced mochas (with half the chocolate) from Meegan and they were fast acquaintances.

When the couple began dating so did their dream of opening a coffee shop of their own. They created a fun concept and wrote up a business plan, but their town quickly became oversaturated by coffee stands and put an end to them – meaning they had to let that dream go cold.

Four children later and a relocation to Arizona, the Buschor’s found themselves again wishing for coffee that only a customized location could provide - that lifestyle which is so familiar in the Pacific Northwest. This is when the idea of having their very own, reheated. And along came, The Stand.

The Stand is named after our belief that it sets itself apart and stands out. When you find yourself in need of a delicious, hand-crafted beverage – tell your friends to meet you at The Stand; the only one of its kind. Kinda like us.

Thank you for being here and supporting our dream. It’s been a long pour.